An increased pace of industrialization in developing countries has led to increasing levels of environmental pollution, while wide income disparities continue to exist in society. Researchers and practitioners in the field of management have been motivated to develop sustainable solutions by focusing on development across economic, environmental and social dimensions. Healthcare is an important avenue for sustainable development as it pertains to improving the health of the nation through affordable, yet competitive mechanisms that protect the environment and prevent further proliferation of diseases. In countries like India, industry reports highlight the presence of inequitable access to medicines and poor healthcare financing mechanisms, while product waste (due to expiry)
and subsequent disposal further increase economic costs for the industry and
environmental pollution. As the pharmaceuticals industry is a vital component of the healthcare system, there is a need to develop sustainable solutions in the Indian pharmaceuticals industry. The research in this thesis attempts to understand the role of reverse logistics in addressing issues of sustainability in the Indian pharmaceuticals industry...
Research Advisory Committee: Prof. Rupesh Kumar Pati (Chair-person), Prof. Sanjay Jharkaria V (Member), Prof. Nandakumar M K (Member) :: Hardcopy of the thesis is available in the library. Please contact the help desk for reference.