Srivastava, Praveen Kumar(Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2008-05-17)
This paper is based on a study conducted in order to know the view points of industry stakeholders regarding quality, competence and availability of manpower in Indian tourism industry with special reference to the problems ...
Nair, K Unnikrishnan(Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2008-05-17)
the case, following the description of the origin, history evolution and growth of the Orange valley tourism department, goes on to detail the existing structure of the department.
Muhammed, Ajims P; Jagathyraj, V. P.(Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2008-05-17)
The topic of this research study" Challenges faced by Kerala Tourism Industry" was undertaken by the researcher as a comprehensive study covering the whole Kerala State.