DSpace at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode: Recent submissions

  • Balooni, Kulbhushan; Kalro, A.H.; Kamalamma, A.G. (Elsevier, 2008)
    Traditional water harvesting system We analyze traditional community initiatives in building and managing temporary checkdams across seasonal streams in Kumbadaje panchayat in the state of Kerala in India. This is a fairly ...
  • Balooni, Kulbhushan (APA News 17, 2001-01)
    In recent years, the concept of agroforestry in India has undergone radical changes. Of late, new models of commercial agroforestry have evolved in the country creating a number of new investment opportunities schemes have ...
  • Balooni, Kulbhushan (Forest Energy Forum, 2001-06)
    This paper presents the results of a case study of an energy plantation on arid wastelands carries out by the Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) in Lathedi Village in Kachchh District of Gujarat stat in India. The ...
  • Balooni, Kulbhushan (Natural Resouces Forum, 2002)
  • Deepa, S. (English for Specific Purposes, 2012)
    Oral communication fulfills a number of general and discipline-specific academic functions. It is vital to learn to speak, since it provides students a set of skills they can use all through their lives. Speaking is the ...
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre; Pushpangadan, K*; Suresh Babu, M.* (Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 2002-08)
    Using information on listed firms in each of the industry groups at the two-digit level within Manufacturing this study investigates whether the radical shift in trade policy in India in 1991 resulted in a reduction in ...
  • Batavia, Bala*; Nandakumar, Parameswar; Wague, Cheick* (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2007)
    Earlier literature sought to find the causes of bank crises in bank- specific factors, which are useful for assessing the soundness of individual institutions. Detailed examination of actual cases of banking crises can ...
  • Nandakumar, Parameswar; Barot, Bharat*; Wague, Cheick* (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2004)
    The extent of financial integration within the European Union is a debated issue, and there is a presumption that some countries have made relatively less progress on this front. In this paper the countries in the union ...
  • Nandakumar, Parameswar; Batavia, Bala * (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2006)
    The positive effects on trade volumes of the economic integration process have been most forcefully derived for the case of monetary unions, more specifically for the case of the European monetary Union (EMU). This vein ...
  • Nandakumar, Parameswar; Barot, Bharat*; Wague, Cheick* (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2004)
    One of the key arguement advanced in support of entry into the EMU by hesitant countries is the expected increase in trade volumes. Previous work on measuring the impact of EMU membership on trade has usually caputured the ...
  • Nandakumar, Parameswar; Batavia, Bala *; Wague, Cheick * (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2004)
    A rapid process of income convergence or catch-up of per capita income occurred in the industrialized group of countries in the post-war years. The process was limited to the rich group of nations, to a “convergence” club, ...
  • Nandakumar, Parameswar; Barot, Bharat*; Wague, Cheick* (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2004-01)
  • Batavia, Bala*; Nandakumar, Parameswaran; Wague, Cheick* (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2007)
    The relationship between asset prices and consumer price inflation has been in the limelight again in the last decade.The reason has been the observed linkages in the early 1990's between housing as well as stock market ...
  • Sthanumoorthy, R. (Economic & Political Weekly, 2008-10-04)
    Food prices are supposed to bedriving the current inflationaryspiral. The analysis here showsthat it is "food products" and not "primary food articles" which aremainly responsible for the surge ininflation. Among food ...
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre (Economic and Political Weekly, 2004-04)
    Conventional wisdom and current practice in India appear to privilege total factor productivity (TFP), as a measure of productivity, rather than labour productivity. However, labour productivity is a measure of potential ...
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre (Economic and Political Weekly, 1999-05-22)
    This paper explores the idea that the decline of foodgrain production in Kerala originated in the decline of agriculture following migration to the Gulf. It is this event, it is argued that has stood in the way of land ...
  • Chakravarty, Deepita (The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2006)
    It is the market conditions in a specific industry and/or in the economy in general,not the labour policy legislations and trade unions practices, that take the lead role in determining the labout market outcomes. This is ...
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre (Economic and Political Weekly, 2003-01-11)
  • Bhatt, P.R. (National Institute of Bank Management, 2011-01)
    The objectives of the paper are to study foreign trade and investment dimensions of New Zealand in comparison with its competitors such as Australia, China, India, Japan and Republic ofKorea and to study the rote of FDI ...
  • Sthanu, R. Nair (The New Indian Express, 2012-12-05)
    My central argument is: To bring down food inflation to the desired level, among others, concrete measures need to be undertaken to control and/or cut down the cost of production of food commodities.