DSpace at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode: Recent submissions

  • Damodaran, Suma; Bhattacharyya, Subhajit*; Bhattacharya, B.B.*; Singh, Rakesh* (ICFAI University Press, 2003-10)
    India Inc. showed a strong performance in the fiscal year 2002-03 and continued the tempo through the first quarter of 2003-04. While this is a reason to celebrate, many doubts linger about the sustainability of this trend ...
  • Rameshan, P. (Man & Development, 2001-06)
    This paper aims at analysing the inter-regional distribution of sales tax exemption and deferral benefits granted to industrialists in Maharashtra during 1979-1995. The incentives have been offered as a strategy dispersal ...
  • Noronha, Ernesto (Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2003-07)
  • Noronha, Ernesto (Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2001)
    The paper examines the case of indusrial sickness in New Rajpur Mills, which resulted in industry unemployment and an adverse impact on the lives of workers. It reveals the initial response of the workers to be closeure, ...
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre; Pushpangadan, K.* (Economic and Political Weekly, 1998-08-22)
    If the growth in toal factor productivity in the manufacturing sector during the 1980s may be used as teh testing ground for our understanding of the phenomenon we must recognise that our knowledge is limited. Two equally ...
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre (Economic and Political Weekly, 2000-04)
    In a bid to contain the fiscal deficit, the government has in this budget targeted outlay on subsidies. This note focuses on the likely consequences in the case of the food subsidy.
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre; Pushpangadan, K.*; Suresh Babu, M.* (Economic and Political Weekly, 2000-10-07)
    Using panel data comprising firm-level drawn from groups within manufacturing industry which have experienced the most significant tariff reduction, this study investigates teh trend in productivity growth since 1988-89. ...
  • Rameshan, P. (Foreign Trade Review, 2004)
    The Dispute Settlement Mechanism is one of the best elements of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) system since it addressed the earlier concerns under the GATT system, of lack of transparency, non-enforceability, ...
  • Bhatt, P.R. (Man & Development, 2001-09)
  • Sthanu, R. Nair (Hindu Business Line, 9-11-20)
    The fact that the agriculture sector in India has not experienced any significant growth during the post-economic reforms period is well established. For the revival of the sector, policy makers have suggested among others, ...
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre; Pushpangadan, K.* (Economic and Political Weekly, 2002-01-26)
    Establishing accelerated productivity growth in the 1980s is contigent on the use of single deflation, a procedure flawed in principle. There is no credible option to double deflation when working with value added as the ...
  • Rameshan, P. (Management and Change, 1999-12)
    Analysis of this study has been done in the background of the telecom and other reforms initiated in India since 1991. The study attempts to evaluate the financial and operational performance of the three public sector ...
  • Balakrishnan, Pulapre (Economic and Political Weekly, 1999)
  • Nandakumar, Parameswar (2000)
    This paper compares the various approaches to the measurement of potential output and the NAIRU,j and identifies practical policy implications. The respective advantages an disadvantages of each method - the Okun's Law ...
  • Bhattacharya, Jyotirmoy (Social Scientist, 4-04-20)
    One of the most striking conclusions reached in Prabhat Patnaik's recent book The Value of Money (2008) is that the world monetary system is still de facto a commodity money world, despite having broken all de jure links ...
  • Noronha, Ernesto; Sharma, R.N.* (Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2000)
    With the process of globalization becoming all pervasive, mobilization on the basis of class seems to not only recede but is also being replaced by ethnicity. It was thus decided to conduct a study to look into this ...
  • Bhatt, P.R. (Foreign Trade Review, 2000)
    The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was created in 1967 through the Bangkok Declaration. It is a group of ten nations, viz. Brunei, Cambodia, Indonasia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, ...
  • Bhatt, P.R. (The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 2008)
    There is a general view that the export performance of India is unsatisfactory because of its low competitiveness, but no systematic attempt has been made to validate this view. India needs a 12 per cent compound annual ...
  • Rameshan, P. (Foreign Trade Review, 2005)
    In this paper we examine the textiles and clothing export performance of India and China during the ATC and post-MFA period, with fous on the two leading consumer markets, viz, the European Union (EU) and USA. We evaluate ...