DSpace at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode: Recent submissions

  • Chand, P.G. Vijaya Sherry*; Kalro, A.H. (Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, 1998-10)
    This article discusses the impact of selected factors on the relative chances of children dropping out of school or competing their schooling. The relative importance of age at the time of entry into school, sex, caste, ...
  • Sasi, Misra*; Kalro, A.H. (International Journal, 1979)
    Two hundred and forty-nine male postgraduate students of management played the Prisoner's Dilemma Game (Deutsch 1960) and filled out a postgame questionnaire measuring atttitude toward the 'other player'. Striking differences ...
  • Sushmita, A.Narayana; Pati, Rupesh Kumar; Vrat, Prem (Elsevier: Journal of Purchasing & SupplyManagement, 2013-10-05)
    This paper presents a systematic review of research on management in the pharmaceutical supplychain PSC). Recent PSC literature, published in peer-reviewed academic journals, was collated for content analysis. Research ...
  • Bala, Batavia*; Nandakumar, Parameswar (ABI/INFORM Global, Open Economies Review, 2002)
    The standard utility - maximizing model of the trade union in a closed economy is reformulated for an environment where economic integration is underway or expected to occur soon. In the (European) realistic setting ...
  • Krishnan, T.N. (Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012-04)
    Different career systems foster dis-similar end states and opportunities.Since, work values are the standards by which employees discern the importance or establish preferences with regard to workplace out-comes it is ...
  • Purani, Keyoor; Sahadev, Sunil (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2006)
    The paper explores the moderating role of Industrial experience in the relationship between different facets of a sales person’s satisfaction with the job and his/her intention to quit the job.
  • Krishnan, T.N. (Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2008)
    This article provides an overview of the consequences of technology change on employment relationship in India . New technologies opened up employment opportunities in new and emerging sectors. Skills needed have undergone ...
  • Panda, Tapan Kumar (Scholarly Article, 2001)
    The internet revolution has brought a distinctive “click model” of business operation. The brick and mortar model enterprises are also trying their level best to have a click component. The nature of business operation, ...
  • Kumar, S.S.S. (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2006)
    Volatility forecasting is an important area of research in financial markets and lot of effort has been expended in improving volatility models since better forecasts translate in to better pricing of options and better ...
  • Krishna Kumar (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2007)
    Corporate taxes are a significant item for revenue generation and year after year the corporate tax and Profit Before Tax(PBT) is incresing.But after the year 2001 the TAX/PBT ratio has been undergoing an unhealthy pattern ...
  • Kumar, S.S.S. (International Journal of Management Practices & Contemporary Thoughts, 2007-12-01)
    One of the important reforms Indian markets witnessed in the recent past is the introduction of issuing sharesthrough the book building process which aims at efficient price discovery. The paper attempts to see how theIPOs ...
  • Kumar, S.S.S. (International Journal of Management Practices & Contemporary Thoughts, 2007)
    An important feature of the development of stock market in India in the last 15 years has been the growing participation of Institutional Investors, both foreign institutional investors and the Indian mutual funds combined ...
  • Kumar, S.S.S. (Journal of Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, 2007)
    This paper considers the effects of changes in the composition of the Nifty and Jr. Nifty index for the period 1996-2003. The study finds no significant price effects on the announcement day. However price effects were ...
  • Saji, Gopinath; Krishnamurti, Chandrasekhar* (The Journal of Financial Research, 2001)
    Our empirical evidence based on transactions data of a sample of Nasdaq stocks indicates that trade of large firms are related to the proxies of marketwide and firm-specific information. For large firms, an increase in the ...
  • Kumar, S.S.S. (Decision, 2008-12)
    This paper attempts to investigate the information content of the implied volatility estimators and the historical volatility in forecasting future realized volatility. Implied volatility is computed from the Black-Scholes ...
  • Abhilash, S. Nair (The New Indian Express, 2010-10-30)
    The derivatives trading in India targets at two factors: better price risk management and greater information. Two derivative instruments that server the above purpose and are available in India are futures and options. A ...
  • Bhatt, P.R. (Man & Development, 2002-06)
    There are similarities and differences between the Latin American and East Asian Crises. The economies of the regions had displayed a robust performance before the crisis. There were massive foreign capital inflows in both ...
  • Abhilash, S. Nair (Routledge, 2011)
    This article first examines the existence of a change in the structure of conditional volatility of stock returns around the time when trading in individual stock derivatives is introduced. Thereafter,it analyses the extent ...
  • Sthanamoorthy, R. (International VAT Monitor, 2008-08-01)
    Starting from 1 April 2005, all the states and union territories of India have gradually introduced a VAT system. Such a major reform of the tax system requires an orchestrated and well-organized publicity campaign aimed ...
  • Mahesh, P. Bave (Renewable Energy World.Com, 2014-06-02)
    Electric utilities seeking the renewal of their franchises, and politicians seeking municipalization, both ignore the transformative possibilities of the microgrid. Microgrids represent a promising new business opportunity ...